The work goes on

By John Ellis

With preparations for General Assembly building up, I have been glad to escape to see the continuing flow of church life away from all the papers.


Liverpool Hope University Chapel


Howard and Pam Sharp greet friends

In the chapel of Liverpool Hope University representatives from Mersey Synod and beyond gathered to give thanks to God for the ministry of the Revd Howard Sharp as he retires as Synod Moderator after 11 years and over thirty in the ministry. The affection in which Howard is held was obvious even if he did his best to minimise the focus on him. With Jacky Embrey ready to move into the Moderator role within a few weeks, the work goes on.


Cutting the ribbon at Geddes Place


There was continuity too at Geddes Place United Reformed Church in Bexleyheath as we celebrated remodelled premises. The street is named after their long serving Victorian minister the Revd J Geddes. Their current building dates only from 1988 but rather than rest content with its facilities, the congregation have undertaken ingenious refurbishment at a cost of over £200,000 to make it more adaptable and flexible for community use. Their commitment to their local partners was emphasised by the room full of displays by groups who use the town centre premises regularly. They will now enjoy much improved accommodation. With their newly inducted minister, Alison Davis, the congregation felt ready to move forward.

The continuing stories of Synods and local churches are the vital backcloth as General Assembly now gathers in Cardiff. That will mark the end of my partnership with Michael Jagessar as Assembly Moderator, not least in sharing this Blog page with him. He has been a delight to work with. I now look forward to a new partnership with David Grosch-Miller, who will soon be inducted into the wonderful world of blogging.

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